Portfolio Overview: April 2016 (#5)

Dear Readers, I am happy to share with you my results!

In last post I told about my plans to lower number of platforms I work with. After one month I am even more convenient that this is a right decision.

Traditionally I start with an overview of investments in Euro.

Continue reading Portfolio Overview: April 2016 (#5)


Portfolio Overview: March 2016 (#4)

Good buy, Winter! Time to make new overview of portfolio.

February was a difficult month. I realised how is impossible to deal with too big number of platforms. In next month I will try to select one main platform and two-three alternatives with an autoinvest options. Hope that will help me to achieve better results.

Traditionally I start with an overview of investments in Euro.

Continue reading Portfolio Overview: March 2016 (#4)


Portfolio Overview: February 2016 (#3)

February I will celebrate 3y since my first investments at p2p platform. 3 years ago I did first deposit to Bondora (former Isepankur).  And March I will pass 12 month since my first investments at BTC based p2p lending platform (BTCJAM).

3 years ago I had normal standard working place with notebook, relatively good sleep and 90% of time doing my ordinary job. Today my working place looks like this,

workand I use 2 ultra-wide monitors, I spend 80% of time closed to p2p or cryptos and have short nights with immediate connection for bitcoinwisdom after wake-up 🙂

Lets look on my return and understand, is there any reason in life like mine 🙂

Continue reading Portfolio Overview: February 2016 (#3)


UPDATED: Portfolio Overview: January 2016 (2)

I found mistake in calculation of ROI at BTCJAM. Now corrected. I would like to apologize for my mistake!

Happy, Prosperous and Successful New 2016 Year to all readers of my blog!

New month and time to make new overview of my portfolio. My return: Continue reading UPDATED: Portfolio Overview: January 2016 (2)


Portfolio Overview: December 2015 (1)

I plan to publish regular periodic overview of return on my portfolio.

Counting investments we have good and bad days and we have real and pseudo heroes. I see today as black day and you may note example of “pseudo good” investor. Such guy must be simply removed from your “following” lists 🙂 That’s me  Continue reading Portfolio Overview: December 2015 (1)