Portfolio overview 2018 Dec #18

I got only few reactions to my posts, got some concerns about personal information and therefore  I was quite silent during  whole 2018 year. Today I like to share status of my investments.

Investments in Euro (fiat currencies) Continue reading Portfolio overview 2018 Dec #18


Portfolio overview January 2017 (#14)

Hello, dear Readers!

Wish you successful and happy 2017 year!

I was busy at the end of year, but found time to make screenshot of my portfolio. Bellow you can see my overview.
Continue reading Portfolio overview January 2017 (#14)


Portfolio overview: August 2016 (#9)


I have been traveling and decided to change format of report to make tracking of performance more visible. Therefore I am a bit late with my overview. But it is ready now. Continue reading Portfolio overview: August 2016 (#9)


Portfolio overview: June 2016 (#7)

Hello and happy sunny Summer!

I do more and more altcoin trading instead of p2p lending. My ROI there is very bad, but I hope that main reason is an effect of expensive BTC (that put altcoins to very low prices). May be next month I will start to include trading into overview of my portfolio.

But let’s look how my p2p is doing.

Continue reading Portfolio overview: June 2016 (#7)


Portfolio Overview: May 2016 (#6)

Hello! No, this is not a post from new happy trader:) Trading did me huge loses at the moment(over 25%), and who knows, when my sh&tcoins will come back to their price which was few weeks ago. Later about that, now I need to wait and be patient.

How my investments are going – let’s start with Euro.

Continue reading Portfolio Overview: May 2016 (#6)


Portfolio Overview: April 2016 (#5)

Dear Readers, I am happy to share with you my results!

In last post I told about my plans to lower number of platforms I work with. After one month I am even more convenient that this is a right decision.

Traditionally I start with an overview of investments in Euro.

Continue reading Portfolio Overview: April 2016 (#5)


Portfolio Overview: March 2016 (#4)

Good buy, Winter! Time to make new overview of portfolio.

February was a difficult month. I realised how is impossible to deal with too big number of platforms. In next month I will try to select one main platform and two-three alternatives with an autoinvest options. Hope that will help me to achieve better results.

Traditionally I start with an overview of investments in Euro.

Continue reading Portfolio Overview: March 2016 (#4)


Portfolio Overview: February 2016 (#3)

February I will celebrate 3y since my first investments at p2p platform. 3 years ago I did first deposit to Bondora (former Isepankur).  And March I will pass 12 month since my first investments at BTC based p2p lending platform (BTCJAM).

3 years ago I had normal standard working place with notebook, relatively good sleep and 90% of time doing my ordinary job. Today my working place looks like this,

workand I use 2 ultra-wide monitors, I spend 80% of time closed to p2p or cryptos and have short nights with immediate connection for bitcoinwisdom after wake-up 🙂

Lets look on my return and understand, is there any reason in life like mine 🙂

Continue reading Portfolio Overview: February 2016 (#3)