Portfolio overview 2018 Dec #18

I got only few reactions to my posts, got some concerns about personal information and therefore  I was quite silent during  whole 2018 year. Today I like to share status of my investments.

Investments in Euro (fiat currencies) Continue reading Portfolio overview 2018 Dec #18


Portfolio overview October 2017 (#17)

After longer break I decided to post short update about my investments.


Investments in Euro (fiat currencies)

17 09 fiat

Bondora.  My return at Bondora stay quite stable. That is below my planned 15% return, but it is quite stable now. I am not lowering portfolio, but possible I will add more into Bondora if I will have some free euros.  There are 3 reasons First, Bondora claim they become profitable. Second, I know that in case of urgent need I will be able to withdraw from Bondora 5-10% of my portfolio withing 2-3 days without selling loans in minus. Third, my work at Bondora is quite automated now and profitability quite stable.

I do not like to advertise Bondora, but if you like to be mainly passive investor and happy with 8-12% return and if you you like to try Bondora and support my blog, please join Bondora using this link: https://www.bondora.com/ref/Andrej

Omaraha. All is very ok. Still – no work needed. Again my return went a bit up.  Regulator have introduced maximum interest rate in Estonia. If you invest on Omaraha, you need to check your investment terms and make maximum interest as 35%

TWINO. My return went down to 11,7%. I do not withdraw money, but I will definitely not add any  new when only such return is available with guaranteed loans.

Investments in BTC and crypto currencies

I do not place any table there. BTCJAM and Loanbase are in closing phase, my return on BTCPOP is below zero. Overall BTCPOP is  fine, but I have invested too much using feelings, not using brains.   125x125_static

If you like to try BTCPOP and support my blog, please join platform using this link or pressing on their banner right to this text. Thank you in advance! Sure if you join using my link, I will be happy to help you with funding and advise


Again, do not like to post any tables, but altcoin trading is positive. I was quite passive during the summer.

Consolidated return from crypto projects

Consolidated return in BTC is still negative (but is better than in May), risk weighted return in Euro is positive and XIRR is over 20% before taxes.

Wish you all nice investments, please, stay careful  and have a sucessfull end of 2017!


Portfolio overview January 2017 (#14)

Hello, dear Readers!

Wish you successful and happy 2017 year!

I was busy at the end of year, but found time to make screenshot of my portfolio. Bellow you can see my overview.
Continue reading Portfolio overview January 2017 (#14)


Portfolio overview: August 2016 (#9)


I have been traveling and decided to change format of report to make tracking of performance more visible. Therefore I am a bit late with my overview. But it is ready now. Continue reading Portfolio overview: August 2016 (#9)


Portfolio overview: June 2016 (#7)

Hello and happy sunny Summer!

I do more and more altcoin trading instead of p2p lending. My ROI there is very bad, but I hope that main reason is an effect of expensive BTC (that put altcoins to very low prices). May be next month I will start to include trading into overview of my portfolio.

But let’s look how my p2p is doing.

Continue reading Portfolio overview: June 2016 (#7)


Portfolio Overview: May 2016 (#6)

Hello! No, this is not a post from new happy trader:) Trading did me huge loses at the moment(over 25%), and who knows, when my sh&tcoins will come back to their price which was few weeks ago. Later about that, now I need to wait and be patient.

How my investments are going – let’s start with Euro.

Continue reading Portfolio Overview: May 2016 (#6)


Portfolio Overview: April 2016 (#5)

Dear Readers, I am happy to share with you my results!

In last post I told about my plans to lower number of platforms I work with. After one month I am even more convenient that this is a right decision.

Traditionally I start with an overview of investments in Euro.

Continue reading Portfolio Overview: April 2016 (#5)


Portfolio Overview: March 2016 (#4)

Good buy, Winter! Time to make new overview of portfolio.

February was a difficult month. I realised how is impossible to deal with too big number of platforms. In next month I will try to select one main platform and two-three alternatives with an autoinvest options. Hope that will help me to achieve better results.

Traditionally I start with an overview of investments in Euro.

Continue reading Portfolio Overview: March 2016 (#4)