Portfolio Overview: March 2016 (#4)

Good buy, Winter! Time to make new overview of portfolio.

February was a difficult month. I realised how is impossible to deal with too big number of platforms. In next month I will try to select one main platform and two-three alternatives with an autoinvest options. Hope that will help me to achieve better results.

Traditionally I start with an overview of investments in Euro.

EURO investments

Platform XIRR Change from Prev Month Risk Adjusted XIRR Change from Prev Month
Bondora 23.1 % -0.2 % 6.7 % +0.8 %
in that, Bondora “Safe Portfolio” 27,8 % +0.2% 17.1 % +2.3%
Omaraha 19 % 0.4% 15,7 % +0,7 %
FellowFinance 62.3% -10% 14 % -19,7%
TWINO 11.8% 11.8%

* XIRR – Return of investments calculated by me, not by platform. Deposited, but not invested money makes negative impact to XIRR
** Risk Adjusted XIRR – XIRR after write off part of overdue and defaulted loan

COMMENTS on Euro based investments

Bondora.  This month several interesting changes – Bondora started to communicate with investors (at Bondora fellows group in Facebook) and Bondora implemented several new features to simplify management of investments. Due to changes at TWINO, I withdraw from Bondora  only a bit. My risk adjusted return at Bondora went a bit up. I think this is result of my bigger activity on Secondary Market – I sold some of less profitable loans.

Omaraha.  All stable and as expected. I am still happy.

FellowFinance.  I did withdraw of nearly 30% of my money. Main reason – decreased interest rates and less active secondary market.

Twino. Surprise, but TWINO lowered interest rate. I am one month there but got two changes in that short time-frame . I do not see possibility to get bigger than 10.5% return on this platform, therefore I am doing withdraw.

This month I think to look on Mintos and I will postpone withdraw from Bondora to see where it is going.

Investments in crypro currencies and projects

My return:

Platform XIRR Risk Adjusted XIRR Change from Prev Month XIRR
in Euro
BTCPOP 19% -40.9 % -10.4%
Loanbase 41% 41% +50% 26%
BTCJAM 2 % +5.2 % +43.6 % (+13.8%)
“Safe portfolio” at BTCJAM +23.6% -3.4% +53.2%(+10.2%)
NXT coins and Assets +25 % -3% -52 % (+7% from last month)
SCRT coins +200 % 50 %  +37.5%
XYZ +45 % new platform new platform  new platform

*** XIRR in Euro – XIRR when deposits counted in Euro and price of BTC_today =[CurrentBTCPrice+ AveragePriceWhatIBoughtBTC]/2

Risk Adjusted XIRR in BTC Risk Adjusted XIRR
in Euro
 Used BTC Price
TOTAL INVESTMENTS into crypto projects -35 %(-4%)


+6%  390$*0.95 (5% discount)


BTCPOP: Again, I did several bad investments. Additionally some of old borrowers not paid. That lowered my return. Most probably I do not have enough of time to monitor all discussions about suspicious borrower at BTCPOP. Therefore I am slowly lowering my investments there.  BTCPOP is full of suspicious borrowers, suspicious groups of related borrowers and administration decided not to block them. I am thinking – big big mistake. BTCPOP is full of good features – IPO, Pool, nice community. But I stop there before problem with scammers will be solved or insurance will go to old level.

BTCJAM. All is quite ok. BTCJAM have changed some internal proceses and issuing much more of new loans. Unfortunately this does not mean I invest more. I fill many of new loans are too risky. But still I am getting enough amount of loans to reinvest my coins.

Loanbase. I turned to profit. I have small portfolio at Loanbase and investing only into known/returning borrowers. I think that is key of positive return there.

NXT and NXT Assets. Secureae stop functioning and NTX coin went to new absolute minimum.  That does not allow me to get better return. I switched to  mynxt.info but I see it have serious bugs. Now I use ‘Supernet lite client” to manage investments. Managing of NTX Assets requires time and concentration when result is unclear. I decided to lower my participation there.

SCRT coin. A bit risky but still my very profitable active. Coin is listed at Yobit and Bittrex.  SCRT returned to price level over 2Ksat and updated maximum price to 2.5Ksat. Coin survived few dumps. TeamSecret got an investment form venture capital. They have registered a real legal company with several employees. I still collecting more of SCRT and plan future increase of price. in my opinion all prices below 3ksat are low.

Ok, and about my last founding. XYZ p2p platform provides a bit different approach to p2p lending. It is working in beta mode, therefore I do not like to post links. I hope it will be possible to do next month.

Thank you for your reading! I will be very glad for your feedbacks and evaluations.  Such writing is not so simple like it looks 🙂

p.s. One interesting and sad founding that explain how risky BTC word is (or how bad investor I am 🙂 ) . I have counter that if I simply buy BTC all last year and simply store them, I was able to have today +30-40BTC more than I have.  That is more than 10K Eur by today’s price. Hope you will do better!


9 thoughts on “Portfolio Overview: March 2016 (#4)”

  1. Hi, can you comment on FellowFinance decreasing rates, I was thinking of opening an account there.

    1. Hi. I was quite short time with FellowFinances. At the beginning 4stars loan were 28% and there was quite big number of such loans. In competition interest was going to some 26-25%, but almost every day I was able to get such loan. It was question of few hours to sell such loan on secondary market in case of such need.

      Today officially interest rate for 4stars loan is 19%. To sell loan at 19% (even with repayment) is not so simple.

      There is primary market, that is full of loans. There are 28% loans (4starts). But they stay for 2 weeks and it hard to tell what rate that loans will be released.

      Overall, 19% interest is not so bad. I think it must give investor 12-14% ROI. I fill there is good scoring model. There is buyback scheme similar to Omaraha. If such level of ROI is acceptable, I think it is good to try FF.

    2. Just to add – I withdraw part of money from FF, but not all. I plan to stay there longer and see how it will develop

  2. fantastic article ders, yes it must take some effort to write such a lot of info into small, easy-to-read. i eagerly await next months results 🙂

  3. Hi Andrej! This is very useful, thank you!
    Could you tell me what recovery probability do you use for calculating Omaraha’s risk adjusted returns? I find it very difficult to find data for this one.

    1. Omaraha is telling that they return to investor from 60 to 80% of defaulted loan. About year ago it was 60%, but later they told that they return 80% again (in Estonia). I am using my be quite conservative approach. I write off 20 % of yellow and 40% of red loans.

      1. Thanks, Andrej! I just saw your reply. I thought my question did not go through for some reason. This is very useful. I actually adjusted my approach this month and was using 20% for yellow and 40% for red as well, so I’m really happy to see that you are doing the same. It means I’m probably on the right track!
        I am so far investing only in Estonian loans, and it’s my second month in Omaraha, and my risk adjusted XIRR just went to below 0 today because of a high percentage of yellow loans compared to the amount I invested so far. It’s a bit scary, but I’ll give it a few more months to see if it gets back on track, as it’s very early to draw conclusions.

        1. Do not invest first 2-3 month into risky loans. Invest only into score 900-1000. look how it goes

          1. That’s a great advise. I so far only invested in 800-1000, but I’ll increase it to 900-1000 only to see how it goes for some time. Thanks a lot!

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